Radiotherapy is a local treatment similar to surgery but can encompass more extensive areas of tumor tissue. Radiation therapy can be either a standalone treatment or part of a multimodal cancer treatment protocol.

Radiation therapy is most effective against tumors that are metabolically and cellularly active. It works by depositing energy into DNA or its close proximity, which causes lethal damage to the cells. In order to reduce harm to surrounding healthy cells, careful planning of radiation treatment is carried out, based on previous CT scans.

The most common tumors treated with radiotherapy are brain tumors, pituitary tumors (macroadenomas), soft tissue tumors (sarcomas, mastocytomas and others), lymphoma, nasal tumors, oral tumors, bladder tumors, prostate tumors, perianal tumors, tumors based on the heart and bone tumors.

Specialized computer programs are used for meticulous planning to direct the majority of radiation energy to the tumor while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissues, although the side effects of radiation therapy cannot be eliminated.

Our cancer treatment facility uses state-of-the-art radiation techniques. 

Our Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) is a highly precise and efficient method of treating cancer. Unlike traditional radiotherapy, VMAT uses a rotating gantry that delivers radiation to the patient in a continuous arc. This arc modulates the intensity and shape of the radiation beam, ensuring maximum radiation to the tumor while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissues.

VMAT treatment is faster than conventional techniques, reducing the overall treatment time, and associated with fewer radiation side effects. 

Animals undergoing radiation therapy are required to maintain absolute stillness for a few minutes, which makes anesthesia necessary. 


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